This low
cost Development Board designed to use it with AVR Mega16 and Mega32
microcontrollers. It has connectors for parallel ports A, B, C and D and
connectors for ISP and I2C bus. It also has RS232 serial interface, 5V
voltage regulator, 8 LED and 8 buttons for connection to any port. It needs
external power between 8V to 24V DC or 5V DC from USB connector.
connectors have 5V DC and GND line. The switches can give either logic 0 with
pull up resistors or logic 1 with pull down resistors, depending on the
connection of jumpers which are placed near the main connector. The resistors
connected to port B are 240Ù and are necessary in order to avoid short-circuit
with ISP if connected. The MCU can use its internal oscillator or external by
mounting the desirable XTAL to a connector close to microcontroller (the
capacitors are already installed).